Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Our NEW Responsive Website!

Check out our NEW Responsive Website!http://designbugger.com/  

What is a Responsive Website?

Simply, it is a desktop and mobile version in one. Responsive Websites "respond" to the user's behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation.Some features of Responsive Design are:

  • Easier Maintenance for Updates
  • Smooth User Experience
  • Consolidated Statistics & Reporting
  • SEO Enhancement
  • User Friendly
  • Mobile Segment
  • Accumulated Sharing
  • Free of Device-Alternating Issues
  • No More Media Display Issues (flexible images,  easy to read tables,  videos, calendars, etc)
  • Great for larger resolutions and presentations

Why Change?

With the mobile era it brings modern technology to allow websites to adapt to multiple devices.  With the steady increase in mobile users to our website, it is important to provide a way for them to easily navigation and read the information.  It is also important for us to convey that we, ourselves, utilize the latest designs and technologies in order to bring an enganging and versitile webiste to our users. With modern technology comes an added level of enhanced security and performance.  Updating our site with these technologies not only allows for better user interaction (UI) and user experience (UX) but also increased speed, optimization and formating (W3 standard).  It is these reasons that we have re-designed and developed a Responsive website.

Why Should I convert or get a Responsive Website?

Your site will be mobile optimized and mobile-ready, utilizing the most modern technology to give it a clean and crisp look. It's always a good idea to change / update your site every couple of years or so, to keep fresh.  Also while re-creating your site, your site will be SEO-optimized with W3C Standards, which will in turn increase your Page Rank for search queries.

How long will it take? Is there any downtime?

Converting an existing site to responsive site will take about 1-2 days.  If you need a new site, depending on content, the new responsive site will take approximately 1-4 days.
There is NO Downtime of your existing site since your site will be built on another path of the webserver. You will be able to view it before it goes live.
